Camping in a Tesla: Ultimate Guide for 2025

Camping in a Tesla is a great way to travel. You can keep costs low by not staying in a hotel. Even better, it’s an opportunity to surround yourself with nature. Although, I’ve slept many nights in parking lots as well.

Camping in an EV has some unique benefits over gas cars. You’ll find many of them below. On top of that, you’ll find answers to common Tesla car camping questions. This is a beginners guide to sleeping in a Tesla, and I’ve packed it with tips. After living in a Model Y for a year, I have lots of hands-on insight to share.

Camping in a Tesla Guide

Here’s one of many places I camped in a Tesla…

Camping in a Tesla Model Y on a forest service road

Feel free to jump ahead in this article. You can use the on-page links below to jump to each section.

For a little Tesla camping inspiration, here’s one of my many videos as well…

I’ll answer many questions below, but feel free to ask anything on any of my videos. You can learn from what others have asked as well.

Accessories for Camping in a Tesla

Before setting out on your grand Tesla adventure, it’s good to prepare. Here’s a list of the top Tesla camping accessories…

  1. Sleeping Pad or Mattress
  2. Back-Up or Custom Tesla Tent
  3. Tesla Window Covers
  4. Car Camping Lights
  5. Portable Battery Pack
  6. Tesla Mobile Chargers

For a more thorough breakdown, here’s a list of Tesla Camping Accessories. You’ll find much more detail on each of these accessories, along with more gear. I’ve included links to the products I use and the other highest-rated ones available.

You don’t need much for camping in a car, especially a Tesla. You’re limited by the space, but most of these items aren’t big. Although, some of them can make a big difference for your comfort and safety.

For example, Tesla Window Covers can help block the sun from waking you up in the morning. On top of that, they’re essential to help when stealth camping and overall safety. This brings me to the next big topic for camping in a Tesla…

Is it Safe to Camp in a Tesla (and Legal)?

1. Is Car Camping Safe?

Camping in a Tesla is safer than in a tent. It’s like a box of armor on wheels. It protects you from wind, rain and other elements. When camping in a Tesla, I’m not worried about the weather or animals. However, I’m a little more worried about other people.

Most of the people I’ve met while car camping are friendly. I’ve made new friends when traveling, and we share stories, car camping tips and food. Although, there have been people that put me on guard. There are many different people you can run into while camping in a Tesla.

Playing it safe, I’ll try to say hello from a distance to other campers around where I’m staying. This helps me sense how friendly they are and if anything seems weird, I can easily drive to a new camping spot. For a deeper dive, here are some stealth car camping tips…

In most places, I like to have people close by for power in numbers. If any problems come up, there’s a good chance someone might help. When I drive to a new spot, I also try to arrive while there’s sunlight. This gives me a clear view of the area.

Wherever you travel, it’s a good plan to have backup car camping spots. Also, wherever you park for the night, check for multiple exits that you can drive away from. This is good to keep in mind while on forest service roads. For example, forest fires could block the roads.

Camping in a Tesla also has another big safety benefit. And this applies to all electric cars… With gas cars, you can’t sleep in them while they’re running. That’s due to toxic fumes. However, that doesn’t apply to a Tesla. You can keep the heat on all night. I’ve done this when it’s been -15°F degrees (-26°C). You’ll find more tips on camp mode below.

On top of that, there are cameras around the outside of the car. You can see what’s going on around the Tesla without having to show yourself. This is a great feature when hearing voices and different noises.

2. Is Car Camping Legal?

Car camping is legal based on where you park. Many cities, towns and communities have different rules to keep campers away. So, it’s good to look into the local rules and laws.

On top of that, businesses have their own rules as well. For example, a common spot while traveling is Walmart parking lots. Although, many of them don’t allow parking overnight. That’s why I’ll often call ahead to check the local store’s rules. Luckily though, many places allow car camping for a night or two.

Another place that’s against the rules to car camp is some campsites (especially with electric cars). However, I heard about this before camping in my Tesla. And when traveling down South, I stayed at a campground in Texas for over a week. It didn’t allow sleeping in a car. So, I set up a small tent and took “long naps” in my Tesla.

One big benefit of camping in a Tesla is that many people don’t realize it. That’s if you’re in an urban area. On the other hand, if you’re on a forest service road or campgrounds, people are more likely to figure it out. A big caveat though is having window covers. This prevents people from seeing inside when camping in a Model Y.

How to Find Where to Sleep in a Tesla

As mentioned, you can get away with camping in a Tesla anywhere that allows overnight parking. That’s if you’re stealth camping. But for peace of mind, it helps to find places that allow it.

Here’s my process for finding where to camp in a Tesla…

Once I have a new area picked out, I’ll search online for general info. Then I’ll often land on There are lots of other sites and apps out there, but most are hit or miss. With that site, you can see a map and both free and paid camping spots…

how to find free car camping sites

Then you can click into each one and see more info. Other people that have stayed there can leave reviews. And if there are good recent reviews, that’s a good sign. However, many on the site don’t have recent reviews. In these cases, you’ve at least found the campsite name or address. Then with that info, you can do a search on Google to see if other sites have more recent reviews.

Overall, it can take some time to track down a good free site. And if you don’t find good recent reviews or other info, it’s good to have a backup place or two ready. This is a great tip if you plan to do lots of traveling and camping in a Tesla.

For example, there was one forest service road near the Grand Canyon. I planned to stay there but locals didn’t like campers there, so they blocked off the road. That’s always a risk to this adventurous lifestyle.

For two more tips on finding where to camp in a Tesla, it’s good to find a flat parking spot. If on forest service roads, I’d try to find an even spot or one that put my head slightly higher up. For the other tip, if you found a spot that lets you slow charge overnight, that’s good to do. Some campsites have hook ups, but they’re usually paid spots.

Using Tesla Camp Mode and Tips

I’ve shared a full Tesla Camp Mode Guide. Feel free to check that out and either way, here are some highlights…

Turning on camp mode is easy. When opening the AC controls on the Tesla front screen, there’s a camp mode button. Simply press that, and this allows you to keep the AC running all night.

camping in a Tesla with camp mode on

This displays a tent and fire on the screen which goes dark after 10 minutes. That way the light won’t bother you at night.

And one of the most common questions is how much battery does it drain?

For an answer, it depends on what you set the temperature at and the difference from the outside temp. The bigger the difference, the faster the drain. It’s a non-linear change.

When camping in a Tesla it’s dropped to -15°F degrees (-26°C) and held there for a few hours. To stay a little warmer, I set the AC to 60°F (15°C) and left it running for 12 hours. What was the impact on the battery?

The battery went from 79% to 25%. Tesla camp mode drained 54% of the battery. Although, that’s not bad considering the extreme cold and 12 hours. Regardless, I’ve avoided using camp mode when camping in a Tesla.

Instead, I have a great camping pad with a little insulation (see accessories above). Having a good sleeping bag and blankets helps as well. On a cold day, I’ll often turn on the AC from the Tesla phone app before getting out of the sleeping bag.

Camping in a Tesla Model Y Questions

After a year of camping in a Tesla, I’m living proof that it’s possible. Not only that, but it’s a better option than many gas cars. As mentioned, one big benefit is that you can keep the AC running all night. You won’t have to worry about toxic fumes.

I’ve car camped overnight through extreme cold and heat. During the winter, some nights dropped down to -15°F (-26°C). And on the other extreme, I’ve car camped on days that climbed over 110°F (43°C). With either extreme, cold or heat, Tesla camp mode is a great safety backup.

A Tesla is a battery pack on wheels, and it’s also a backup for charging your phone and other devices. There are many more hidden features that many people overlook. Here are 28 Tesla Easter Eggs and Hidden Features.

If you have any questions about camping in a Tesla, comment on any of my YouTube videos. I should see a notification come through so I can reply. Or you can Contact Me Directly as well. Also, if you’ve found this insight useful, I’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribe to my channel. Because that helps me as a small creator. Either way, thanks for stopping by and enjoy camping in a Tesla.