Stealth Car Camping in My Tesla Model Y

Stealth car camping is a great way to travel and keep costs low. I’ve lived out of my Tesla Model Y for most of this year. It has some unique benefits which I’ll share below. In many ways, it’s the best car for stealth camping. However, you can use many different cars for camping.

In this article, I’ll cover some common questions and tips…

Stealth Car Camping

  • Is Car Camping Safe?
  • Is Car Camping Legal?
  • Stealth Car Camping Setup
  • Stealth Car Camping Tips

If you have any questions, feel free to comment on any of my YouTube videos. The one below explains how I stealth camp in my Tesla.

Is Car Camping Safe?

Camping in a car can be safer than in a tent. It’s like a little box of armor that can protect you from the elements. When sleeping in my Tesla, I’m not too worried about the weather or dangerous animals. Instead, I’m more worried about other humans.

Luckily, most of the people I’ve met are great. I often make new friends on the road, and we share beer, food and stories. However, there have been a few people that put me on guard. There’s a wide range of people you can run into while camping in a car.

To play it safe, I’ll introduce myself at a distance to people around where I’m staying. This lets me gauge how friendly they are and if anything seems off, it’s easy to drive to a new spot. It’s good to have backup car camping spots and multiple exits. On some forest service roads, forest fires could potentially block the roads.

I also like to have multiple people close by for power in numbers. If any issues come up, there’s a better chance of getting help. When I show up at a new spot, I also tend to arrive while it’s light out. This gives me a better view of the area and other campers.

Camping in a Tesla: There are a few extra benefits of camping in a Tesla. For most cars, you can’t leave them running due to toxic fumes from the gas. But that’s not the case with a Tesla. I’ve kept the heat running when it’s gotten to -15 F degrees at night (-26 C). On top of that, there are cameras around the outside of the car. I can easily see what’s going on without having to get out. This comes in handy when I hear voices and weird noises.

Here are some car camping safety tips…

Is Car Camping Legal?

Car camping is legal depending on where you stay. Some towns and cities have rules to keep you away. There are many different laws and it’s good to check the local rules.

Businesses also have different rules. One of my go-to spots while traveling is Walmart parking lots. However, not all of them allow overnight parking. To play it safe, I’ll often call in advance to double check. And often times, they only allow staying a night or two.

Another place that many people don’t realize it’s illegal to car camp is at some campsites. Luckily, I learned this before setting out on my adventures. I stayed at a campsite in Texas for over a week that didn’t allow camping in a car. So, I set up my tent and took long naps in my Tesla 🙂

One benefit of stealth car camping is that you can *hypothetically* get away with car camping where it isn’t allowed.

Stealth Camping in a Tesla: Do you expect someone to be sleeping in a Tesla? If you see a big van or RV, that’s a common guess. And this is one reason why my Tesla is one of the best cars for stealth camping. No one expects it. No one has knocked on my windows in the middle of the night telling me to move.

Stealth Car Camping Setup

I take a minimal approach while living in my Tesla. It’s ironic that other van lifers have called me a minimalist. To get a full look at my car camping setup, check out my walkthrough…

For stealth camping, one of the most important pieces of gear is window covers. This prevents others from seeing that you’re in the car and sleeping.

Starting out, I picked up some custom fitted window covers. However, many other people living in vans and RVs have recommended buying Reflectix and cutting it to fit my windows. When I need a replacement, this is what I plan to do. If I measure twice and cut once, they should fit better and provide more insulation.

Stealth Car Camping Tips

Be wary of your surroundings. This is one of the best stealth car camping tips. Where you post up for the night has a huge impact on your safety. Try blending in and avoiding unnecessary attention.

The topics above cover my main car camping tips. Although, I’ll add two more points…

I mentioned showing up to a new spot while it’s light out. This helps you gauge the environment and the people. But depending on the location, you’ll want to limit your time staying there. That’s if your goal is to avoid prying eyes.

When car camping in towns, I’d often park later in the evening and then leave early in the morning. This way, fewer people would be around to notice.

My second point ties into this as well… It’s good to limit getting in and out of your car. That’s why I’m more careful when (and what) I eat and drink. I’d often post up near public restrooms just in case, but I’d rarely have to use them. I thought this would be a bigger issue before starting out, but it was an easy habit to form.

If you have any questions about stealth car camping, feel free to comment on any of my videos. I really appreciate that you’ve stopped by my small blog, and I hope my hands-on insight helps. I’m living proof that you can stealth camp to keep costs low and explore the world 🙂

Tesla is one of the best cars for stealth camping and the price tag is dropping. Here’s a chart that shows the Tesla Model Y price history. You’ll also find my predictions on where prices are headed.