Sleeping in a Tesla Model Y for 6 Months

Sleeping in a Tesla Model Y is a great way to travel and explore. There’s more room than many people expect. But is it safe and legal to sleep in an electric car? I’ve spent close to a year sleeping in a Tesla and have plenty of tips to share.

I’ve listed some common questions below. But my answers are anything but common. There are many overlooked benefits and things to consider when sleeping in a Tesla. We’re an early wave of EV travelers.

I’ll answer these questions and share more Tesla research below…

Sleeping in a Tesla Model Y

  • Is it safe to sleep in a Tesla?
  • Is sleeping in a Tesla illegal?
  • How much battery does Camp Mode use?
  • Can you sleep in a Tesla while charging?
  • Where do you camp in a Tesla?
  • How do you sleep in a Tesla?

Do you have any questions to add? Feel free to comment on any of my Tesla YouTube videos. You’ll find that I keep a close eye out for new comments and often respond. Many other Tesla owners have shared useful comments as well.

Is it Safe to Sleep in a Tesla?

I’m living proof that you can sleep in a Tesla Model Y. I spent most of last year traveling and sleeping in a Tesla.

One of the big reasons I bought one is that it’s electric. It’s a huge battery pack on wheels. I can plug into the power anytime to charge my devices. But the main advantage to sleeping in a Tesla is being able to keep it on all the time. I don’t have to start an engine.

It’s not safe to sleep in gas cars when they’re running. The toxic fumes are dangerous. But with a Tesla, I can keep it running all night. When it drops well below freezing, I can run the temperature controls while sleeping.

On top of that, a Tesla – or really any car – is like a box of armor. It can help protect you from the elements and bad people. And one unique safety feature for a Tesla is cameras all around the outside.

When I heard weird noises at night, I wouldn’t have to get out to see what was going on. Instead, I could check the screen on the Tesla dashboard. If I felt uneasy, I could drive away and find a new sleeping spot for the night or start my day early.

Tesla has built in many safety features. And for more tips on safety when sleeping in a Tesla, here’s a video I shared…

Is Sleeping in a Tesla Illegal?

Sleeping in a Tesla is legal depending on where you stay. It can also depend on how long you stay. Some areas and cities have rules to stop you from sleeping in a car. That’s why it’s good to check the local laws and rules in advance.

However, even if it’s illegal, you can still get away with it when stealth car camping, hypothetically of course. Luckily, no one has woken me up in the middle of the night. But if that’d be the case, I might have been “working” in the back instead of sleeping. Window covers are a must have when sleeping in a Tesla Model Y.

On top of that, business parking lots have different rules. One of my go-to spots on multi-day long drives was Walmart parking lots. However, not all of them allow sleeping in a car. I’d often call in advance to double check if it was allowed. And most times, they only allowed staying one night.

How Much Battery Does Camp Mode Use?

Tesla Camp Mode is a great feature but one that I rarely use anymore. If you’re not stressing the temperature controls, you might only use 1-2% of the battery per hour. But if it’s below freezing outside, you could drain half the battery overnight.

When sleeping in a Tesla Model Y near Mt Rushmore, it was extremely cold. It dropped down to -15 degrees F (-26 C). Here’s how much of the power I used that night…

Can You Sleep in a Tesla While Charging?

It’s safe to sleep in a Tesla while charging. However, you’ll likely want to avoid it at superchargers. Tesla will charge idle fees if you’re still plugged in and no longer charging. This is to help keep chargers open for others and some third-party chargers do this as well.

However, many slow free chargers don’t list a time limit. I’ve tried to avoid sleeping in my Tesla Model Y while charging. However, there have been a few cases where it’s been the best option.

I planned to stay just off a forest service road near Yellowstone National Park. Although, it was winter and with low car clearance, I couldn’t make it to the camping spot. So, I ended up back in the small town for the next few nights. Luckily, I was able to sleep while plugged into a free charger all night. And since it was off tourist season, I wasn’t blocking anyone from using it.

We’re starting to see more hotels install EV chargers as well. Although, most times they’re just for paying guests. However, this could be a good backup if you’re not close enough to other chargers.

Where Do You Camp in a Tesla?

As mentioned above, you could find me sleeping in a Tesla in Walmart parking lots. Those worked well for longer driving days. When traveling, I’d also sleep at many rest areas along the highway. Many say no overnight parking, but I haven’t had any issues.

However, I preferred to find free campsites out in nature. Around National Parks, I’d often find forest service land with established car camping areas. It was great waking up with the big sky and trees shining through the Tesla Model Y glass roof.

Depending on the area, I’d also post up at paid campsites. And it’s good to note that some sites require you to sleep in a tent. Luckily, I learned this before setting out on my adventures. I stayed at a campsite in Texas for over a week that didn’t allow camping in a car. So, I set up my tent and “worked” in my Tesla all night.

Some campsites and RV parks with electrical hookups are creating new rules with more EVs coming through. But if allowed and depending on the outlets, these can be a good place to sleep and charge at the same time.

How Do You Sleep in a Tesla?

I’m 6 foot 3 inches tall and can stretch out in the back. I can lay out flat without needing to turn sideways. And of course, that’s with the back seats down. They’re easy to move up and down. Although, I left them down for most of my traveling.

It’s far from a five-star hotel, but sleeping in a Tesla Model Y does the job. Once I got used to it, I’d feel well rested most mornings. Here’s a video walkthrough of my gear and setup…

You don’t need fancy Tesla sleeping accessories, but I do recommend window covers, a good pillow and blow-up sleeping pad. I picked up a sleeping pad that’s been great. And as I changed elevation, I could easily adjust the pressure. 

Sleeping in a Tesla Predictions

With the price of Teslas dropping, more people can afford them. All the while, these leading EVs continue to improve. You’ll see more of them on the roads in the years ahead.

On top of that, I’m guessing we’ll see some free Tesla charging stations start to disappear. The average Tesla customer is changing. And I’m keeping a close eye on many trends in the industry. Once the cyber truck ramps up production, it might be great for these adventures as well.

Sleeping in a Tesla Model Y has been an amazing adventure. I hope my insight helps and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. If you find my content useful, I’d also really appreciate it if you’d share it with your friends and family. Because that helps me as a small (currently unemployed) content creator 🙂